Design Dilemma- KLUS creative solution for baseboard Lighting 

The Dilemma: The client is looking for a sophisticated, minimalistic baseboard lighting solution to enhance safety, wayfinding and add to the architectural design.

KLUS has the answer:

Whether commercial or residential, the integration of LED baseboard lighting offers numerous benefits that go beyond mere illumination. The OLIS-K, KLUS latest innovation in LED lighting, presents a solution that not only enhances aesthetic appeal but also serves practical purposes. Let’s look at the advantages of incorporating baseboard illumination into your spaces.

Ambiance Enhancement

LED baseboard lighting adds a subtle yet impactful touch to interior ambiance. It creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, making spaces more comfortable and welcoming for occupants and visitors alike.

Safety and Navigation

In both residential and commercial settings, adequate lighting is essential for safety and navigation. LED baseboard lighting ensures that pathways are well-lit, reducing the risk of accidents and enhancing overall security.

Energy Efficiency

LED technology, known for its energy efficiency, is at the core of baseboard lighting solutions like the OLIS-K. Compared to traditional lighting sources, LEDs consume less energy, resulting in reduced utility costs and environmental impact.

Visual Appeal

By accentuating architectural features and highlighting design elements, baseboard lighting elevates the visual appeal of any room. It adds depth and dimension, transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary ones. As well as being Roomba friendly for residential areas.

Customization Options

 With the OLIS-K and similar products, users have a wide range of customization options at their disposal. From adjustable brightness levels, various color temperatures and adding color via RGB tapes, LED baseboard lighting can be tailored to suit specific preferences and requirements.


In conclusion, the integration of LED baseboard lighting, exemplified by KLUS’s innovative OLIS-K, brings numerous benefits to commercial and residential spaces alike. From enhancing ambiance and visual appeal to improving safety and energy efficiency, this lighting solution offers a versatile and practical way to illuminate interiors while adding a touch of sophistication.


Explore KLUS baseboard lighting solution: