It wasn’t that long ago when stair lighting could only be found it hospitals or movie theaters. Now LED lights are quickly becoming a common and preferred lighting source for both residential and commercial stairways. KLUS LED stair light systems illuminate stairways and handrails effectively and beautifully for any building style, and are matchless in the industry in terms of design and ease of installation.

The most common places where stair and handrail LED lighting are installed include hospitals, cinemas, nightclubs, theatres, museums and ships. However, LED lights have also changed the way homes, offices and outdoor areas are illuminated. An LED, or light emitting diode, uses low power and voltage, so the cost of illuminating the area is far less than it would be with traditional lights. LED lights do not have a glare, are not too bright, and do not distract anyone using the stairs. Stair and handrail LED lighting also offers several other advantages.
Due to the nature of the technology used in LED lights, they can be used in versatile and creative ways. KLUS has a range of stair and handrail LED lighting extrusions that allow for soft and effective illumination. The handrail lighting is most often installed under the rail, and interior designers can choose a color, temperature and wavelength that is suitable to the project. Lighting can also be installed on the ceiling to create a line of light.
When it comes to stair lighting there are several options to choose from. LED lights can be installed just underneath each step. This keeps the light subdued, and yet makes it easy for people to make their way up and down the stairs comfortably.
KLUS offers products such as STEP and STEPUS that offer step edge protection along with stair step and warning lighting. Based on the needs of the stairway, light and interior designers can choose from strips of varying widths, several styles of covers, end caps and accessories.
Take a look at full our selection of stair and handrail LED lighting applications!